Safety department

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Заичко Игорь Валерьевич
Заместитель генерального директора
по безопасности мореплавания
и охране окружающей среды

For the uninterrupted and accident-free operation of ships, the company plays an important role in ensuring safety at sea, preventing environmental pollution, compliance with international and national requirements in the field of Maritime navigation and social protection of the seafarers.

For these purposes, the Company formed a Department of Maritime Safety.

The Company declares its compliance and priorities first of all to ensuring the safety and environmental pollution prevention.

The Company’s policy in the field of safety and pollution prevention is:

- to achieve general objectives required by the ISM Code and realized in the Safety Management System;

- to implement proper measures for prevention of human injury or loss of life and to ensure the social protection of seafarers in accordance with MLC 2006

- to ensure safe operation of ships at the level of international standards (rules and regulations);

- to identify and assess all risks concerning to the ships, the personnel and environment, arrange appropriate protection against all identified risks;

- to increase on this basis the competitive efficiency of ships on the world shipping market and implement of statutory intentions and aspirations — profit on transportation

For implementation of the safety policy the Company has developed and put into operation the Safety Management System, provides necessary resources and personnel.

The Company’s administration while establishing and explaining its safety policy proceeds from the fact that it is correctly understood, perceived and accepted by all shore and shipboard personnel.

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